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They Are Called "Warts"


If you've ever been afflicted with one, you'd know how annoying they are.  They're called "warts".  We were told as kids that you could get them from playing with frogs - an old wives tale for sure. These little lumps of skin can be more of a problem than you may anticipate.  As children, most of us may not think anything of the little bumps, but as adults they can be more than a little embarrassing.  One thing is for sure, when we get them, we would like to get rid of them as soon as possible. 

Remember back when you were a kid, and you had that fat wart on your thumb?  Everyone told you that you must have been playing with toads or frogs.  What a bunch of crap.  We all soon learn that warts have nothing to do with slimy, green amphibians.  Instead, warts are merely another virus on the infinite list of other viruses. 

We are able to treat and dispose of these nasty little suckers.  It just takes a trip to the doctor's office to find a treatment process that's right for you. 

When I was about four years old, I recall having a wart on my hand.  No one paid much attention to this, whether I showed my parents or not.  It simply wasn't a dilemma to worry about.  Being the careless, little bundle of joy that I was, I ripped it off with my teeth.  Now, you might say this is an improper, and less than sanitary disposal of a wart, however, it did work, but was much more painful than I had anticipated. 

These days it is certainly not the most prudent idea to take such measures, while there are other solutions to warts. 

Doctors will offer such solutions as shocking or burning the wart, which essentially kills the virus at the roots and causes the wart to boil and fade away.  Freezing warts is another option which is accomplished with liquid nitrogen of some sort I believe.  However, the fastest method is surgery in my experience.  They remove the wart and kill any sign of the virus, hence ridding you of future warts. 

While many of us may prefer different methods of removing warts, not all may work for everyone.  A friend of mine resorted to the shocking or burning treatment, which actually started the wart's regression, but then eventually turned into a larger wart.  That's not inspiring! 

Dealing with warts is one of those peculiar things where one treatment works for one person but not everyone. This means you will need to experiment yourself if you wish to get rid of any warts you may have rather than just keeping them covered up and out of sight.

Whatever you choose to rid yourself of the old warts on the hands or elbows, you may want to check the drugstore on the corner.  Over the counter remedies are becoming more effective and may save you some cash.
