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Are Natural Cures Safe? 


All natural cures for common ailments, diseases, and disorders are a popular market today in the United States.  Knowing that the medication or treatment you are using is an all nature cure rather than something synthesized by some mad scientist in a lab is a comforting fact.  After all, if it’s found naturally in the world, it can’t be that bad, right?

Well, not exactly.  It’s important to keep in mind that ‘all natural’ does not mean ‘completely safe’ or even ‘remotely safe’.  All of the most toxic and potent chemicals known to man are found naturally in the world.  Nature, in her billions of years of age and wisdom, has developed a variety of drugs vastly more complicated and potentially risky that what we’ve been able to come up with so far in our labs. 

Many of nature’s chemicals do in fact make for excellent all natural cures for everyday ailments.  Penicillin, for example, was an all natural cure for many different forms of bacterial infections.  However, most antibiotics used today are not all natural cures; they’re synthesized in a lab, and are modified versions of natural compounds.  Does this make them any less healthy?  No, not at all.  If you have a life threatening bacterial infection, these less than all natural cures may just save your life.

The important thing to keep in mind is not so much how natural a treatment is, but how much has it been studied, tried, and tested?  An all natural cure sounds attractive, but has it been proven in any way effective in treating what it is advertised to treat?  What studies have been done on it, and who conducted the studies?  A company advertising an all natural cure that is reluctant to show any kind of evidence for their claims other than some ‘testimonials’ from customers should be approached with skepticism, if at all.

The good news is with the internet today, and search engines like Google, it is fast and easy to do research on any all natural cures you may be interested in.  Because there are so many compounds found in nature, chances are there are in fact some all natural cures, or at least all natural treatments, for whatever ails you.  Just be wary that all natural cure doesn’t mean safe or even effective.  Also, I wouldn’t overlook a proven and effective treatment for something just because it lacks the ‘all natural’ claim.
