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Removing Stretch Marks


We have been told for years that Stretch Marks are just part of giving birth and can't be removed. Do you want to remove stretch marks? Why remove stretch marks, it's a sign of accomplishiment! Having a baby is one of the happiest events in any woman’s life.  Seeing that beautiful small person knowing they are a part of you.  Many things come with having a baby including an increased feeling of pride, a desire to be the best person you can be and stretch marks.  For the majority of women who go down the pregnancy path they come out the other side with unsightly marks on the bottom of their tummy. 

Stretch marks are a symbol of being a mother and although they are well worth the end result of a child, they are also not pleasant to look at and most women wish they would disappear.  Although you can’t wave a magic wand and wish them away, you can do something about them.

Stretch marks are the result of the skin being pulled.  This can occur in overweight people as well as pregnant mothers.  The second layer of skin can also be damaged and the severity of the stretch marks will vary depending on how far the skin was pulled as well as the original condition of the skin.  Once the skin goes back to where it was originally either through having a baby or losing weight, those marks become more noticeable and fading them becomes a goal. 

There are many different methods you can approach when it comes to battling stretch marks.  One is to consider purchasing one of the many creams or lotions specifically developed to combat the effects.  What most of these propose is that through regular use they can fade the stretch marks enough that they won’t be as noticeable.

Stretch marks are generally a pinkish to reddish hue when they first develop.  This is when you’ll probably first spot them.  They do naturally fade over time though even without the use of cream.  So it’s important to consider the cost of the treatment against the actual effects it will have. 

Cocoa butter is a rather inexpensive cream that is said to have good results to remove stretch marks in the area of diminishing the appearance.  You simply apply the cream twice a day to remove stretch marks and in time they will fade.  The reason is that added moisture to the skin helps it to heal. 

If you are pregnant it’s worth nothing that using cocoa butter through the duration of your pregnancy can actually help to reduce the number of stretch marks.  In this case a bit of preventative measure will ease the effects later on.

Being a mother and giving birth comes with many rewards, both good and bad. Stretch marks are just one of those rewards and whether they are good or bad is   purely up to the woman who has them. 
