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The Mystery Surrounding ADD


Part of the mystery surrounding ADD makes it one of the most misunderstood and hardest diseases to detect even though it can be a very devastating and debilitating disease.

Attention deficit disorders are one of those mental disorders that a lot of doctors and therapists are very quick to diagnose.  Because there’s really no way to prove you have an attention deficit disorder, it’s a sort of vague diagnosis that no one can really get in trouble for.  I’m not sure if that’s the reason, but for some reason attention deficit disorders are an ‘in vogue’ condition, and it’s sort of hip to diagnosis people with it. 

I’m certainly not saying that attention deficit disorders don’t exist, I’m sure they do.  However, what I am saying is if you or someone you know has been diagnosed with an attention deficit disorder, don’t go running directly to the pharmacy to get a lifetime supply of drugs.  First of all, get a second opinion, and maybe even a third. 

I was diagnosed with an attention deficit disorder and spent two months taking a stimulant drug that made me feel like I’d just drank 4 cups of coffee all day long.  When I saw a second doctor about it, he told me about the in style quality of attention deficit disorders, and suggested I cease the medication. 

Looking back on the experience, I don’t think I have an attention deficit disorder, but rather just wasn’t getting enough sleep during the time I was diagnosed.  Therein lies the problem with attention deficit disorders; a lot of things can mimic the symptoms of one, and there’s really no way of telling what’s going on exactly. 

Attention deficit disorders are especially popular as diagnosis for kids.  School therapists just seem to love labeling kids with an attention deficit disorder whenever they can’t figure what else could possibly be wrong.  Personally, I think a lot of kids are just high energy by nature, and have trouble sitting still; I think it’s a bit extreme to label that a disorder and put them on amphetamine like stimulants.

Again, I’m sure that there are children out there that really do have a mysterious and unexplainable attention deficit disorder, but probably 9 times out of 10 they’re just being kids and will probably calm down when they get older. 

Everything may not be as it appears and so caution must be taken in doctors making any quick diagnosis that could cause a patient to be put on and become dependant on drugs when they were, as mentioned earlier, are just extremely high energy children and prescribing them to be taking the drugs maybe totally unnecessary.

While it seems that attention deficit disorders are finally beginning to wane slightly in popularity, they’re still a common diagnosis.  It looks to me that the new stylish disorder is going to be bipolar disorder.  I can’t wait for someone to diagnosis me with that so I can try some new drugs. 
