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Benefits of Acidophilus in Your Diet 


 There are good and bad bacteria as far as our health goes. With 60 to 70 million Americans suffering from various digestive diseases, that means we need to pay attention to those little critters working 'round the clock inside of our bodies. Acidophilus, a common organism in yogurt and cultured milk products, such as kefir, that are said to foster a healthy balance of bacteria in the stomach. It's one of the "good" or "friendly" ones, out of about 400 types of bacterial that live in our intestinal tract and, for women, in the vagina as well. It's helpful because it aids manufacturing of B vitamins and production of lactase and other antibacterial agents.

Without good bacteria, also called probiotics, living in the gut, digestive processes go haywire. In a healthy state, our bodies just naturally maintain the proper balance. Some of the things that disrupt the natural functioning of our gut are preservatives and other additives in our foods, diets with a very high content of fat, birth control pills, alcohol consumption, and even stress.Acidophilus supplementation can help when things are out of balance.

Eating yogurt won't necessarily help. You have to read the labels because some of the yogurt on grocery store shelves don't actually contain any viable acidophilus due to the fact that they've been highly processed. It's difficult to process foods so that we're safe from harmful bacteria and yet keep the helpful bacteria alive.

Here are some of the potential benefits of supplementing your diet with acidophilus. A really big one is the suppression of candida, a type of yeast that can be very harmful, especially to our reproductive system and urinary tract. If you like to visit other countries, you'll be happy to know that supplementing your diet with acidophilus while abroad can help thwart proliferation of infectious organisms people commonly encounter in countries that do not have highly developed systems of public health. It can also help control both diarrhea and constipation. And it helps reduce internal gas, bloating and bad breath. Some find that it even helps counteract lactose intolerance and helps lower cholesterol due to its enhancement of the body's ability to absorb fats.  There's more. It may also enhance immune system function, aid in the treatment of respiratory infections such as sinusitis and bronchitis, and lower the risk of asthma, hay fever and eczema. Not bad for an organism too tiny to see with the naked eye.
