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2 Weeks Pregnant


Being Pregnant is not as simple a thing to figure out as you might think. Suppose you have just found out you're pregnant, congratulations!  How far along are you?  How do you measure that?  Well, it all depends on how well you kept track of your cycle.  Health care providers and OBGYNs count pregnancy from the first day of your last menstrual period.  That would make you approximately 4-5 weeks pregnant by the time your next period is late, around the time you took your home pregnancy test.  Gee, that went fast, right? 

But, you have not technically been pregnant that long!  You're most likely 2 weeks pregnant, if measured by the actual date of ovulation and conception.  The pregnancy really began when your egg was fertilized, 10-14 days ago.

When a woman conceives, it is within a 24-48 hour window either before or after ovulation occurs.  This is usually around day 14-18 of a woman's cycle.  But let's go back to the beginning of this cycle.  You're 2 weeks pregnant, so when did your cycle start?

The first cycle day is the first day of the menstrual period.  It may last 5-7 days.  Then, in another week, the ovaries prepare to release an egg.  Ovulation typically occurs between day 14 and 18 of that cycle.  If there is sperm at the top of the fallopian tube waiting for the release of the egg, (sperm can survive for up to 5 days), the egg could be fertilized.  It takes another 6-8 days for a fertilized egg to implant in the uterus.  Then, the hormones are released that will cause the body's temperature to be higher than usual and create a warm, protective environment for the fertilized egg.  These hormones can be detected about 10-14 days after ovulation and fertilization.  So, take a moment and do the math, counting from the date of conception                            


YOU are

2 weeks







However, because most women don't keep track of when they have ovulated, OBGYNs count from the first day of the last menstrual period, assuming that a woman's cycle is normally about 4 weeks.  That, however, is a broad generalization because women's cycles vary greatly from that average.  So, if you know the approximate average length of your cycles, you can better adjust the time frame for your pregnancy.  If you have a 5-week cycle typically, then you would say that you are 4 weeks pregnant, even though it has been 5 weeks since your period began, in order to be more accurate with the way your OB will measure your pregnancy. 











It may seem very confusing but your Doctor can do some tests to see exactly how far along you might be and any help you can give him will aid in the process. Remember, you are the best judge of what is happening in your own body listen to your self, listen to your baby and listem to your doctor and you should have a good idea of when the baby will be arriving.

Pregnancy is approximately 40 weeks in length, counting 4 weeks since your last period started, but not taking into account a woman who has longer cycles than 4 weeks.  So, if your period was just late, consider yourself 4 weeks pregnant rather than 5, and add time to account for how long you waited to test after your period was due.  Congratulations!  You are 2 weeks pregnant!  But, tell your ob that you're 4 weeks pregnant (or more)!

