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Penis Enlargement Pills


Remember Bob Dole doing those TV spots touting the benefits of Viagra? He was really addressing the issue of male erectile dysfunction, which is just one factor in a group of many reasons why men are seeking penis enlargement pills. Impotence can be caused by a number of chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, and from side effects of prescribed medications, such as those used to treat hypertension. And yes, of course, some men just have small penises, a genetic trait they were unlucky enough to inherit. And how much does size really matter? 

We sure have come a long way! Now not a day goes by that you don’t read something in a newspaper or in a magazine talking about ways to enlarge the penis, what causes it, and how to treat it.

Viagra is probably one of the most popular medications, but there are now other medications available, as well as many herbal remedies, some effective and some not, that are recommended to men that experience impotence, low testosterone, or who may not be happy with their penis size and embarrassed and become unable to attain an erection.

There are many penis enlargement pills available, but their level of efficacy varies greatly, and some are just a huge waste of money. I’m sure your bulk email box is over run with offers for the latest and greatest penis enlargement pills, just like mine (and I’m a girl!). The thing is, most of them are worthless scams, and are just ridiculously over priced, and do not carry through with their promises.

There is usually not a money back guarantee offered, you’re just out a few bucks if it doesn’t work. Take the time to sort through the scams and search for the products that have been proven to be effective.

In most penis enlargement pills, different herbs are used in various combinations to produce the desired effect, which is to increase penis size and improve blood flow to the penis.

According to, if using reputable proven herbal products, men will start to notice a change within the first few days, but treatment will take usually 14-21 days to truly noticeable. These penis enlargement pills are touted to be safe with no harmful side effects. They will also refund your money if you are not satisfied with a product within thirty days of the date of purchase.

For some men Penis enlargement is a way for them to feel more masculine. They feel that being larger will create more satisfaction for their partner - whether that is true or not remains totally in the minds and bodies of those involved. Some people say that great sex is as much a mental experience as a physical pleasure.

So it’s really up to you, you may have a lot to gain, greater sensitivity and more love making! Isn’t that what you want??
